Explore Our Growing Story Collection

Imaginative Story Christian BeliefsPersonal Growth

The Lost Bible

This story is about how important living with…
True Story AdventurePersonal Growth

Caught in the Act: Lila’s Lesson in Honesty

"Lila's cheat sheet exposed, she seeks redemption in…
Imaginative Story Adventure

Shipwreck, Chapter 4

I was stranded. Done for. No hope whatsoever…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsMystery

The Little House On The Hill Chapter 1

The little house was so mysterious, Anne had…
True Story AdventureChristian BeliefsFriendshipsMysteryPersonal Growth

Finding Daisy

Would we ever find Daisy..........?
True Story Christian BeliefsPersonal Growth

God’s Love

Fairer than lilies of the field....
Imaginative Story Christian BeliefsFriendshipsPersonal Growth

Olive Branches, Chapter 13

I start walking but turn around to see…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsPersonal Growth

A Happy New Year, Part 2

"And, PLEASE tell me, Who in the world…
Imaginative Story AdventureBiographyChristian BeliefsPersonal Growth

Broken Faith, Chapter 2

An x-ray confirmed that my leg was broken.
Imaginative Story Adventure

Shipwreck, Chapter 3

The water was quickly filling up…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsHumor

Olive Branches, Chapter 12

I sigh. The cast is really holding me…
Imaginative Story AdventureChristian BeliefsMysteryNature

Into The Dark Zone

In their scariest adventure yet, Bob and Rob…
Imaginative Story Humor

Just laugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imaginative Story Personal Growth

My Gramps’ House, Chapter 2

'It feels like we have been driving for…
Imaginative Story AdventureMysteryPersonal Growth

Olive Branches, Chapter 11

Her voice slowly faded into the darkness.
True Story AdventureChristian BeliefsMysteryPersonal Growth

The car incident. (At the circus.) Part 2

We’re me and family ok from this car…
Imaginative Story Personal Growth

My Gramps’ House Chapter 1

"I love him, but Gramps' house?? He despises…
Imaginative Story Christian BeliefsFriendshipsHumorPersonal Growth

Olive Branches, Chapter 10

I pray that God will give me patience…
Imaginative Story FriendshipsPersonal Growth

Olive Branches, Chapter 9

Instantly the thought flashes into my mind: D.K.…
True Story AdventureChristian BeliefsHumorMysteryPersonal Growth

The car incident. (At the circus), Part 1

Will me and my family face the circus,…
Imaginative Story Personal Growth

The Lonely Backpack

A lonely girl learns where the true value…
1 2 3 4 5 6 78

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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