Through the Eyes of a Servant – Chapter 1

This is a true story. I hope you will enjoy it! I will let you know more details about it in the end. So have fun!

Rachel roared with laughter as she played with her friends. She was the daughter of one of Abigail’s servants. Her mother, Leah, was one of Abigail’s most trusted servant, and Abraham, Rachel’s father, was one of the shepherds who watched Nabal’s sheep. They had been Abigail’s and Nabal’s servants for nearly seven years.

Abigail was a kind, sweet, and beautiful woman. Sometimes, she even let Rachel try some of the sweet cakes that she made. Nabal, on the other hand, was harsh and dishonest. He had even drank wine a few times! Rachel wondered how these two people could be married. Still, she did everything commanded of her.

Now she was happily playing with her friends, but something caught her eye. Men. Ten of them. Tall and skinny. She had never seen them before. They were heading towards Nabal. Why would anyone want to go to him? The only person that ever does go is if he wants to buy sheep, but those men do not look like shepherds. I wonder who they are? thought Rachel.

She stopped playing and quickly called to her friends, “I’ll be back.” Then she went around a tent so her friends wouldn’t catch her eavesdropping on the conversation between the young men. She sat there, listening to the conversation. 

“Peace to you, to your house, and to everything you own. We have come from David, the son of Jesse,” said one of the men. “Now, not too long ago, your shepherds came to shepherd their sheep near us. We did not get angry, steal, or hurt your sheep. Sir, if we have found favor in your eyes, let us feast one night with you for we have not had any food for many days now.” Rachel stared at the men. Now she understood why they were so skinny. But she turned to Nabal and listened as he answered the men. “Who is David? Who is the son of Jesse? Why should I give him and his men food? I do not know who he is or where he came from. Now then go, and tell your master that he is not welcome here.” The men looked surprised and very, very angry.

Join me next time for chapter 2!!!!!

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Through the Eyes of a Servant – Chapter 1

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