Tucker Barnes Collection
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Here's a different way of looking at Sabbath do's and don'ts.
Jun-19-2020 Randy Fishell
Tucker has feelings that he can't wait to express.
May-22-2020 Randy Fishell
The Bible says those that live by the sword will die by the sword. Tucker should have listened.
May-01-2020 Randy Fishell
How long since you had a haircut, Rico? Maybe you should have waited a little longer.
Apr-24-2020 Randy Fishell
While running from a bully, Tucker finds that scripture saves the day.
Apr-17-2020 Randy Fishell
Tucker Barnes is back and he's got a problem!
Apr-10-2020 Randy Fishell
In the second chapter of his story, Tucker Barnes decides he has a problem with rules.
Sep-02-2017 Randy Fishell
A comic series by former Guide editor Randy Fishell. (Keep scrolling to see all the installments.)
Aug-18-2016 Randy Fishell