Comic collection by Randy Fishell.

Meet Tucker Barnes, a boy who has heaps of faith but not a lot of brains.

Tucker Barnes Collection

Tucker Barnes and the Belt of Truth

You've heard of "The Bible Belt." Tucker gives it a whole new meaning.

Tucker Barnes: What do you knead?

This podcast looks like a waist of time.

Tucker Barnes: Book Idea

No thanks for your memories.

Tucker Barnes: Say It Ain’t So

Where have all the heroes gone?

Tucker Barnes Is Annoying

Could you repeat that?

Tucker Barnes: Spell You Later

Everyone is an editor.

See more Tucker Barnes

Tucker Barnes: Intro to Me

Let's talk about my favorite subject.

Tucker Barnes: Blind Ambition

He’s got that right.

Tucker Barnes: Drop Your Weapon

His lunch is attracting the wrong kind of attention.

Tucker Barnes: 7th Day Distraction

While running from a bully, Tucker finds that scripture saves the day.

Tucker Barnes: Local Accent

He's looking pretty slick.

Tucker Barnes: Under the Sea

I'll pass on the seafood buffet.

Tucker Barnes: Series One

A comic series by former Guide editor Randy Fishell. (Keep scrolling to see all the installments.)

Tucker Barnes: Low Art

Is it contagious?

Tucker Barnes: Getting Famous

Tucker may be winning at the fame game.


Tucker Barnes: Mayflower Moment

Make this Thanksgiving the G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time).

Tucker Barnes: A Self-made Man

He's a real go-getter.

Tucker Barnes: Do You Need a Lift?

Tucker and friends hopes you have a blessed new year!

Tucker Barnes: Series Two

In the second chapter of his story, Tucker Barnes decides he has a problem with rules.

Tucker Barnes: The Podcast? (9)

Snooze alarm.

Tucker Barnes: Worth the Wait

Sometimes you need to hold on a little longer.
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