Comic collection by Randy Fishell.

Meet Tucker Barnes, a boy who has heaps of faith but not a lot of brains.

Tucker Barnes Collection

Tucker Barnes: Goodbye Teacher

She seems glad to be going.

Tucker Barnes: Discussion Question

I feel sorry for the goat. He never gets included in Christmas nativity plays and now this.

Tucker Barnes: So Mature

Tucker discovers that boys mature at, ah, different rate than girls.

Tucker Barnes: Smashed

Tucker Barnes: Brush With Greatness

Tucker Barnes: What’s That Smell

Tucker Barnes: Impressive!

Tucker Barnes: The Bald Truth

Tucker Barnes: Your Humble Servant

Tucker Barnes: In the Dog House?

Tucker Barnes: Seasonal Friends

Tucker Barnes: Potluck?

Tucker Barnes: The Mind of a Chicken

Tucker Barnes: Witness Wipeout

Tucker Barnes: Koobworm

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