Let's Talk
Here’s where Guide Plus members talk about living the Christian life, discuss hot topics, and share writing tips.

Last seen: Feb 9, 2025
@guide-girl I LOVE dogs. Any breed and size. But I'm not a fan of cats.....they are ok. Some cats that are black with blue eyes are pretty cute. I als...
That's an idea......
My favorite food is probably pasta. I like it with any thing....you name it...cabbage, cheese, marinara sauce, sour cream, plain, anything. I also lik...
Has someone run for secretary?
I'm 10. 5th grade
@i-n-c ok thx
Guidegirl and INC How often to the Guide presidents change?
@guide-girl Yes same. Our family also doesn't celebrate Halloween. It's a very dark and parents celebration.
So I wake up at around 6, eat breakfast (sometimes) then I get ready for church. After church we usually spend time with friends, have a picnic, or g...
Sounds interesting
Hmm, about the time. To fix that don't you have to select a timezone? Idk just wondering
@i-n-c Oh! Thx INC. I was about to ask that question. Lol 😅
seriously? 🙄
And I'm gonna go to........EURUPE!.....in August! I'll meet with a lot of my family there. We are going to visit Budapest, Croatia, Italy, German...