The Ragman and Me

Did you know that I read every story at least four times before you see it in Guide?

Sometimes when I read a story so many times, I learn something new each time I read it. That’s what happened to me when I was reading “The Rescue of Mr. Christmas. In the December 4, 2021 issue of Guide. If you haven’t read it already, I suggest you do. It’s a great story.

Well, as I was reading it, as I often do while reading a good story, I imagined myself in the roles of the different people. I imagined myself as Little Minnie as I remembered what it felt like to be laughed at by classmates. I imagined myself as Miss Vance as I remembered what it was like to lead a classroom in a charity project. I even imagined myself as Mr. Pettibone. That wasn’t too hard since Pettibone was my last name before I got married (but as far as I know, I’m no relative of the man in this story).

But the last time I read the story, something different happened. I realized that in reality, I am the horse in the story.

You see, just as the ragman told Mr. Christmas that he was worthless, I have an abuser who tries to tell me the same thing. That abuser is satan. But like this horse, I also have Someone who paid the price to rescue me and showed me love. When I experienced this kind of love, I was changed and went from being worthless to being worthy.

I am so thankful that Jesus rescued me from the ragman.

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The Ragman and Me

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