The mysterious house

Hi everyone this is part 4 of my story The mysterious house so here we go.                               Aki? Mimi asked why is the yard so big? Well Aki started  our owners have riding lessons they show kids how to ride and care for horses ” oh ok Mimi said (night time)  Everyone went to sleep  Hey Kiwi do you think tomorrow we will see horses? Mimi asked I do not know Kiwi said with that said Mimi went to sleep ………. why are the humans so loud Mimi asked Cause Aki started they go for 3 hours to a big building Aki barked what do they do? Mimi asked well the kids go to a room they call” sabbath school” and mom sings and dad is preaching in front of lots of humans and seats Aki said how do you know all that? Mimi said because Aki started one time the church that’s the what they call the big building they made a play of Jesus brith I got to be the shepherd dog and they had to groom in a room that is in the back of the church so that is how I know Aki said oh Mimi said . Bye Mimi Bye Aki Bye Kiwi the kids said as they went out of the house. And we are left alone Mimi sighed Hey Aki .yeah? Aki asked Can you show us the horses sure follow me Aki said . Ok . {} Mimi, Kiwi  ,and Aki went to the barn. Oh no it can not be a …….. that was part 4 of the mysterious house bye for now thanks for reading . lol

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The mysterious house

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