The Japanese Mystery Pt. 11 (Japanese Mystery 2)

It is Monday, April 15, 2013, and they just finished school and went to their private treehouse and read the newest note.
“What? Does it mean there’s another mystery?”, asked Itsuki.
“Guess so.”, Hiroaki said.
“Let’s go minami, then.”, said Itsuki.
They walked until they found the forest turning creepier by the second.
“Is it me or is it getting kowai*?”, asked Itsuki nervously.
“I think it is..”, Hiroaki said slowly.
“I’ve heard horror stories and I don’t like this..”, Itsuki spoke quietly to hear all sounds.
“Wait.”, Hiroaki suddenly spoke.
Itsuki froze.
“Look. Over there.”, Hiroaki said looking at a shelter.
Itsuki saw it.
“Wait. There’s a bridge. Over nothing?”, Hiroaki said confused.
“It might be a trap. If you step on the bridge you fall. Jump over it.”, Itsuki said cautiously.
Hiroaki jumped over the short bridge. Nothing happened.
Hiroaki opened the door. It was a small empty room with one board slightly sticking out.
“Careful. There might be rusty nails on the floor.”, Itsuki called after him while he jumped over the bridge.
Hiroaki looked around and stepped with caution.
He got to the board that was sticking upwards. He lifted the board up carefully to make sure he didn’t get stabbed.
“Owww!”, Hiroaki screamed of agony while he tried to stay calm.
Itsuki lifted up the rest of the board. Underneath was a room full of money.
Hiroaki didn’t even notice for the pain he had.
“Let’s go home!”, Hiroaki talked softly. Every other breath was delayed.
They got out of the forest to go home. This time they weren’t even scared of the forest.
Told you it wasn’t going to be easy. Nothing isn’t quick, free, and painless. But. Still. It hurts. Rusty nails that get into your hand is bad. Hope you guys haven’t had experiences like that. Well. They’re rich. Only they know about it so far and the person who did this all, of course. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow soo.. see you next week! Bye!
*Kowai means scary or scarier.

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The Japanese Mystery Pt. 11 (Japanese Mystery 2)

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