Print a Halloween Cartoon for the Neighbor Kids

Here’s a little Halloween treat that you can make yourself to give to your friends (and maybe the kids who are trick-or-treating in your neighborhood). It has a fun little message that reveals what the Bible says about ghosts. Download these PDF files to get started.

Download PDF of the Halloween Tract, side 1.

Download PDF of the Halloween Tract, side 2.

Easy Instructions (No brains needed, but you will need some glue.)

1. Print both pages of the PDF. In the print dialog box, set the “Page Scaling” pop-up menu to “None.”

2. Flip the pages and place them back to back. Hold them up to a light and make sure the panels on both pages line up.

3. Glue the pages together.

4. While the glue is still wet, cut along the gray lines on page 2. Then fold each strip in half two times. Let dry in the folded position.

Not-so-easy Instructions (Kind of tricky, but looks great.)

1. Print page 1 only of the PDF. If you have card stock for your printer, that would be ideal. In the print dialog box set the “Page Scaling” pop-up menu to “None.”

2. Take the same sheet of paper. Put it back in the paper tray so that the blank side of the paper will be printed. On most printers, the printed side should be facing up with the bottom of the printed page feeding first.

3. Print page 2 only of the PDF. Once again, set the “Page Scaling” pop-up menu to “None.”

4. It might take some experimenting to get the second page printed correctly. When you get it right, cut along the gray lines on page 2, then fold each strip in half two times.

Now you’re ready to share the truth about spooks.

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Print a Halloween Cartoon for the Neighbor Kids

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