Part 2 of Two Reunion’s in a year

The next day at school, Julie made her way down the halls,carefully  looking around for the bullies,  Jackson, Mason, and Zachary, AKA Jac, Mac, and Zac. Good. The bullies were no where in sight, so she hurried to class.  The rest of day was a blur. When the school day was over , Julie saw a familiar red car parked in the pick-up zone…”DAD!” Julie said as she ran toward the red car. It was like most cars, only it had a giant fire truck painted on its side. Julie rarely ever saw her dad, thanks to his long hours at work. Although she was only twelve , she was very responsible for her age. As she opened the car door she saw noticed her dad had a fresh scar on his face. ” Hi Julie !” she said,” Hey dad!” she replied.”What happened?” she asked. “Fire on 3rd ave he said glumly”,  he said, but then replied “It could have been worse!”. “So,” he said,  “schools out in a week ,right?” He asked. “Yeah, i guess” she said. “Well how would you like to go to your grandparents for the summer?”
“Of course !!lol came Julie’s happy reply. For the rest of the ride she thought about how fun her summer at her grandparents would be. She would go to church,ride her horse, Bell, and possibly even re-join her grandparents’ church pathfinder club! Then she thought about what she’d bring and….This would be a really  good summer!! Then she thought about how much fun if  her twin sister Juliana would be their….Oh, why did she have to go missing??!!!

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Part 2 of Two Reunion’s in a year

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