New life

Sorry I took so long to write this new chapter but here you go , roll film, please enjoy 🙂 .  Abigail side
,” Of course I just saw something flash by the window, ” I said ( almost  yell ) ,” that explains why we didn’t saw anyone at the door ,” Ezra said come on let’s go to the attic,  we will be safe here ,reminds me there is a storm plus something weird going on ,” Ezra said in a whisper ,” OK  but let me go get my flashlight alright ? ,” I said . Running up stairs I enter my room ,” ahhh I think I know were I left my flashlight here it is  , found it ,” I said above a whisper tone . ,” here I am ,” I said.  OK let’s go Abigail and Jerry hold on to the twins hands I will go a ahead, ” Ezra said . So I and Jerry hold the twins hands , when Jerry said, ” yuck …what is on your hand  ? ,” . ,” it is jelly Jerry I was eating a butter sandwich that mom left me , ” Jayla giggled , ” didn’t you wash your hands after you ate ? ,” . ,” what no one ask me ,” Jayla said . ,” here is the attic come on I will climb up first ok ? ,” Ezra whisper. ( the kidnappers Sam and Zach  ) ,”how are we going to get in  the house  ?,” Zach ask . ,”what  do you think we are going to do , we are going to enter the by window silly, ” Sam said . Well then we just pass a window ,” Zach said . ,” why didn’t you tell me that before !! ,” . ,” well you didn’t ask ,” Zach said , ” whats why I wanted to work alone ,” Sam mumble under his breath . So they back to the window ,” give me the hammer ,” Sam said so I can break the window ,”  . ,” we don’t have a hammer Sam , ” Zach said  . ,” yes we do it’s in truck , and great that is the last I needed  ,” angrily Sam said wait I  heard something, ” ( back to the kids )  first let me open the attic door,  thud !!thud !! . ,”shhh !!! , be quiet Ezra or We’ll be caught ,” Jerry and I  said at the same time ,” sorry but it not mine falt ,”Ezra said come on ,” after they climb up to the attic,  I said let us pray ok ? ,” sure everyone  said , so they pray , dear God please help us be safe we need you in Jesus name amen . I feel safe ,”  Jayla said . hope you guys enjoy next part is coming soon . And if you guys want new book  please let  me know in comments

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New life

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