Lord Keep Me safe


Song I wrote called “Lord keep me safe”


Lord you
keep me safe

Through all
the troubles I go through



Lord you
protect me



When there
is danger I don’t know



Lord you
love me so much



I can’t even explain



Lord I want
to please you



Even though
I keep messing up






Lord Lord
Lord Lord ooh ohh ohh ohh



You keep me
safe from the storm



You are my



You calm the
waves in the storm



Wake me up                                        



Keep me safe



And protect
me always



And protect
me always






Lord you
take me and change me



To be that
perfect image of you



Lord you
help me to love



Like you do,
yes like you do



Lord help me
not to hate



 Any of those people that you made



Lord shape
me and create me



Because you
are the potter



Lord I am the clay



You are my






Lord Lord
Lord Lord ooh ohh ohh



You keep me
safe from the storm



You are my shelter



You calm the



Wake me up



Keep me safe






And protect
me always






Lord Lord Lord
Lord oh oh oh oh



Lord you
made this earth for me



And please
help me to care



Lord you
send your angels



Too protect
and keep me from evil



Lord you
care for me



And please
help realize



That you are
my strength



You are my



weaknesses are made strength in you



You are my
power you are my power



Please help
me to love you



You are the



You sent
your son



For me, for



You are my
strength and I love you






Lord Lord
Lord Lord ooh ohh ohh



You keep me
safe from the storm



You are my
shelter when I have none



You calm the



Wake me up



Keep me safe



And protect



And protect






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Lord Keep Me safe

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