LEGO Witnessing


Today is Global Youth Day 2017. As part of that I’m attending a LEGO Convention. Some of you are really going to be shocked by that. But I ask you to take a moment and think about a couple things.

First is one of my favorite sayings. I actually have it on a Pathfinder Poster from Brazil in the late 80s/early 90s. The line is: “In the World, but not of the World.”

To minister to those in need we have to be able to step out into our communities and not isolate ourselves. In 2013 I wrote the Pathfinder LEGO Design Honor and in 2014 it was approved by North American Division (NAD). At the core of this honor is a fundamental challenge and its one of the requirements of the honor as well. “How can you use LEGO (or anything really) to tell others about God?”

I’ve built two very special items for this show, one is a church for a snowy village and on the front of the building is the street address of 1844, and the other is a scene of the flood story from Genesis. (See below.)

Whatever God has given you today, use it to glorify His name.

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LEGO Witnessing

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