Keep a Song in My Heart


There is nothing more enjoyable to me than singing. Some people get to have music lessons and others don’t. My mother hated her piano lessons and thus she didn’t want me and my brothers to “suffer” the same fate. I have always wished I could play an instrument.

I had to sing a couple times for elementary school concerts as a kid, and I didn’t really like it. At one point, I went to school in Maryland and there I had Mrs. Lanning for a choir teacher. She did a pretty good job of keeping a ton of kids on task. And she gave me my first real taste of singing.

The following two years I went to boarding school and there I joined the choir and had a lot of fun, but I was not a good singer. I thought about trying out in college, but knew I wasn’t good enough to get in.

Finally, as an adult, I came across a local touring choir. I joined and I was awful. But a older man named Peter told me to follow him and when I couldn’t hit a note, to just mouth it without any sound. So when I sang my first choir concert, I sang only about half of all the notes. By the end of that season I sang most of the notes. For the following ten years I sang concert after concert. Peter passed away and I continued to sing without his help. I’ve moved since then and I miss signing in my choir.

After all these years, I actually understand that part of the Pathfinder Pledge and Law. “Keep a song in my heart.” You see I find myself actually singing, humming, or whistling these songs of praise regularly in my daily life and work.

If you want to learn to sing or play an instrument, tell your parents and/or Pathfinder club leader. Sometimes you might hear, “We don’t have the money,” but God will provide whatever you need to PRAISE His name.

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Keep a Song in My Heart

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