Hold That Line!


This weekend I’m flying out to Seattle to see friends and family, and maybe
even some of you. However, I hate flying. I haven’t always hated it, but I
developed a fear of it over time—and, I believe, a very irrational one.

When you look at the stats, it’s amazing how safe flying is. I think I
don’t like the idea of not having any control or not having a safety line.
When I go rock climbing, I’ve always had that line holding me to the rock.
When you’re on a plane you don’t have that safety line.

The funny thing is, when you think about it, all of us have that line that
ties us to the Rock. It’s really hard sometimes to say, “God, I don’t have
this! I’m not in control. I need You to be in control!” So whether you’re
ready to say that today, or not, it’s okay. Just know that when the time
comes and you need the Rock, He is always there.

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Hold That Line!

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