He Loves You!

The light shining through the window
Gave me enough light to help me make it through
Although it was such a small amount of light
It was just enough to make it through 
I thought that I had totally lost hope 
But then I accepted Jesus into my life
Jesus gave me hope
Jesus gave me light
He helped me find the light that came through the window
I was blocking out all hope
but then I accepted Jesus
And now I don’t have to worry about losing hope or light
I have Jesus in my life
He loves me
He gave His life for me
So I gave Him the Greatest Gift I have
My Life
I love you
I give my life to you
I surrender my life to your work
I love you
You are my light
My hope
The One who opened the window to let in the light
Will you open the window to let in the light
Will you surrender your life to Jesus and let Him be your light and you hope
He loves you!
The Greatest gift you can give is your Life
He loves you
The ending doesn’t sound like a song, but once I get music to it it will!

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He Loves You!

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