Gospel Times

Chapter 3 – More and More Trouble
The girls were sitting in Sophia’s room. They were looking at an image on her computer.
Chloe : That’s Maiye!?!
Sophia: Yeah, when she didn’t get the Spelling Bee trophy.
Rianna: She’s so immature .
Katie : Hey guys, look at this one.
All the girls laughed uproariously when the picture on the screen came up.
Alliah: Looks like somebody forgot their make-up!
The girls giggled, then Sophia stood up.
Sophia: I hear somebody coming.
Chloe ran to the window and looked out.
Chloe: Your mom’s here 
Sophia: Guys, you have gotta leave.
Chloe: Why?
Sophia: They’ll tell you on the way. Here, there’s a ladder below the window. Hurry before she sees you.
Rianna: Come on!
The girls scrambled down and ran down the street.
Chloe: Why did she want us out?
Katie: Around a year ago, Sophia’s mom starting drinking.
Rianna: Whenever she comes home, she hurts Sophia. Either verbally or physically.
Chloe: So why don’t you tell? We have to-
Katie: No! If we tell, she won’t have anywhere to go, and then she’ll end up in…
Chloe: End up in where?
Alliah: The system. Foster care. Adoption.
Chloe: Oh. I sooooooooooo wish we could help her.
Rianna: Yeah, but we can’t. Come on, let’s go home.
*                                                            *                                                       *
Sophia: Hey Andy.
Andy : Hey Sophia. Your mom still-
Sophia: Don’t bring that up.
Andy: Whatever. What have you been doing lately? Saw you with that new cute girl, what’s her name? She’s in my class, you know.
Sophia: Andy, do you have a crush on Chloe? Like seriously? I mean, I’m her friend but, she’e not – Andyworthy
Andy :  Awwww, come on. She’e cute and smart and… hey, there’s my dad. Gotta go to my little sister’s play. Catch you later.
Sophia: Yeah, bye.
Sophia ended the call.
Sophia: I’ll make sure Chloe never gets her hands on Andy. Ever.
*                                                                   *                                                      *
Chloe was at church. it had been a fun week. she made new friends, had her own bank account and now was the Assistant A.Y. director at church. Could things get any better?
Alexia/ Lexi: Hey, Chloe, isn’t that Sarah?
Chloe : Oh no, what is SHE doing her?
Lexi  : I dunno, but you know who I’m glad to see.
Chloe : Roy. I thought you were over that guy.
Lexi : You thought! Follow me over to say hi. Please?
Chloe : Fine, but don’t expect me to talk to any of those Deere’s.
They found them at lunchtime in the Children’s Department.
Lexi :  Hey guys, welcome back!
Sarah: Oops, here we go again. Didn’t I tell you guys to ignore this family? I don’t –
Christina: Now, Sarah, they’re just welcoming us back.
Sarah: Yes, mother.
Christina: Plus, you’ll be going to Chloe’s school starting Monday! Isn’t that great?!?
Sarah: I thought I was going to Saint Anne’s High School for Young Girls!?
Christina: You know we’d send you to a church-school.
Sarah: But why one with these pathetic born-losers?
Pablo: Enough, Sarah. Let’s go home for lunch. Nice seeing you again, Chloe and Alexis.
Lexi: It’s Alexia, but you’re welcome.
All through this Chloe noticed that Roy didn’t speak, but he was constantly staring on Lexi.
Chloe: Lexi, I think-
A horn blasted in the air.
Lexi : Gotta go! See you later!
She ran towards the car.
Chloe : – I think Roy likes you too. Oh well, time for lunch.
Sorry, I know this was a long chapter. I have a question: Should Chloe be friends with Sarah, or should Sophia be friends with Sarah? Thanks for supporting.

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