Don’t Worry

It was a Friday in January, cold and with lots of snow. The sky was a beautiful blue with white puffy clouds arrayed across it in artful patters and shapes. Everything looked so perfect. Yet I couldn’t help worrying about tomorrow,and even the following week for a matter of fact. Each week seemed to drag on one by one in endless monotony. School, school, school, and more school. Even at church, someone might hurt my feelings this way or that. I worried that tomorrow would end up the same way.
As usual I talked to God about it. It’s nice to have a Friend who understands you more than anyone else ever could, an who’s willing to listen to you whenever you need a listening ear.
As I asked God to help me get through the next day, I felt assured that He would be with me every moment, and that everything was okay.
Once the sun had set though, I felt unprepared. It seemed like I had raced through the week in a race car, and now I was suddenly here!
“God, please help me!” I prayed.
That night I was in the kitchen putting something to warm up in the microwave, when I lifted a candle holder out of the way and found a small index card underneath it. I picked it up and read, “Don’t worry about tomorrow…God is already there! ‘ “For I know the plans I  have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” ‘ “(Jeremiah 29:11)
I couldn’t believe it! It was like God had given me a note just to tell me not to worry about tomorrow! How awesome was that!?
“Thank you God! Thank you so much for letting me know You care.”
–this is a true story of something that happened to me–

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Don’t Worry

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