CS7 character contest!!

Hey guys!! It’s me Bella, or as you know, the author of the CS7 series…….
I realllllllllllly need some new characters……..maybe some people that Callie meets along her journey or just someone who helps her, any gender, i really don’t mind.
So can you all pleeeaassse post in the comments the name, gender, age (preferably around Callie’s age which is 13 or 14), their nationality, personality, and physical characteristics. Also, any additional information, like nicknames or anything else that you would like to add…………
 Also, i will RANDOMLY CHOOSE A CHARACTER, and ALL entries should be in by April 30, 2016.
THX so much guys!!!!!! i really need more characters!!!!!!lolsmileylol

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CS7 character contest!!

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