A New Type Of Love Character Booklet

“A New Type Of Love”

Character booklet

Hey everyone! I made this little booklet for reference if you want to see the ages or small details about some of the main characters. You can also find access to previous chapters. I hope you enjoy! And if you have any questions or comments please ask! Thank you!!!

Here are some of the characters:

Avalia Harrison- She is the oldest of the Harrison bunch and is 24 years old. She lives in Florida and has two young kids. (prounoced A-Vale-Leah)

Jayda and Jayelle  Harrison- Amaria’s older twin sisters, they are in college and are 22 years old. They are both excellent athletes.

Amaria Emani Harrison- 15 years old.She had recently lost both parents.

She is the main character of this story, so you’ll mainly be seeing life through her eyes… 

(prounoced Ah-Mar-Ree-Ah)

Cadria Harrison- 14 years old

Amaria’s younger sister and best friend. Though they have their differences, they are an inseparable pair. (prounoced Cae-Dree-Ah)

Talia Harrison- 12 years old and in 7th grade. She too is very close to Amaria and Cadria. She is an excellent artist.

Karis Harrison- 8 years old, She lives with her oldest sister Avalia in Florida. She is a singing prodigy.

Justin Rayson- 14 years old, the girls cousin. He is mischievous but has a very kind heart. He is Aunty Mellie’s only son

Aunty Imelda/ Mellie- The aunt that Amaria, Cadria and Talia live with. She is very kind hearted. She lives in New Jersey and is also bringing the girls to church

Andrea and Desmond Harrison- The girl’s deceased parents.

Elder Paulo- An elder at the Amaria’s new church 

Ricardo-Elder Paulo’s son. He is 16 (and also Amaria’s new crush)

Shavon Taylor- A new friend that Amaria has become very close to

Chapter 1: https://www.guidemagazine.org/index.php?option=com_talentshowcase&Task=VIEW&Sort=RECENT&Filter=ALL&Page=0&PostID=4155

Chapter 2: https://www.guidemagazine.org/index.php?option=com_talentshowcase&Task=VIEW&Sort=RECENT&Filter=ALL&Page=0&PostID=4162

Chapter 3: https://www.guidemagazine.org/index.php?option=com_talentshowcase&Task=VIEW&Sort=RECENT&Filter=ALL&Page=0&PostID=4173

Chapter 4: https://www.guidemagazine.org/index.php?option=com_talentshowcase&Task=VIEW&Sort=RECENT&Filter=ALL&Page=0&PostID=4200

Chapter 5 coming soon!

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A New Type Of Love Character Booklet

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