A Dream

A Dream

I went to bed the other night,

And, lo, behold I dreamed;

I was in a stately place,

All glorious it seemed.

We all stood in wait,

Before a Judgement seat,

All who stood before Him

Bowed lowly at his feet.

Suddenly I stood

Before the great white throne.

I felt sinful, scared

Naked and alone.

Then, in a booming voice,

“Review her life,” He said,

And suddenly before my eyes,

Passed all I ever did.

It showed were I’d rejected him

The life I’d chose to live.

Tho I’d claimed to be a Christian,

No time to Him did give.

He turned to my attending angel,

Who stood beside a Book;

Inquiring whether my name was there,

As he bent to take a look.

The angel looked up sadly,

Sorrow on his face,

“Her name does not appear,”

“Not covered by your grace.

The Savior looked up sadly,

“Depart from me,” He said,

“Into the lake of fire,”

I kneeled and clutched my head.

“I never really knew you,

“You never took the time,

“To really get to know me,

“To really become mine.”

I knelt down in anguish,

My hands began to shake,

I knew that I had blown it,

My whole body began to quake.

Suddenly I awoke,

Sweat poured down my face,

My body shook all over,

My heart began to race.

I dropped down to my knees,

I asked God to forgive me,

To bend down his ear,

And listen to my plea.

No sooner had I closed my eyes,

Then I was back again,

Before the Judgment throne

Without a spot or stain.

But this time,

It was strangely changed,

I felt unashamed and pure,

The tables were exchanged.

The Judge was my Attorney,

The angel was my aide,

All because I’d knelt

Beside my bed and prayed.

The Savior gently smiled

Down on my upturned face,

“Well done my faithful servant,

“You’ve finished well the race!”

“Because you’ve trusted

“In my precious blood,

“Because you’ve been washed

“Beneath the cleansing flood,”

“On you, I cannot find,

“Any trace of sin

“You’ve been covered by my grace

“You’ve been born within.”

“Welcome, daughter

“Into your promised home,”

Then he grandly stood,

Above his judgment throne.

He offered me his arm

And gently led me in,

My mind instantly forgot

All that had been.

My body, it felt wonderful

My joy ran so deep,

My sinfulness was gone,

I began to weep.

Suddenly I awoke,

Tears streaming down my cheeks

I dropped down to my knees,

Suddenly God speaks:

“I love you, little daughter

“Far more than you can know,

“I love you more than anything

“Though you’ve fallen low

“I’ve sent you a warning

“Oh heed my words my child

“Satan is a liar

“You have been beguiled;

“I want to draw you close

“Put on my special armor

“Satan is a deceiver

“I want to be your Father.”

Oh friends heed the warning!

Search your carnal hearts,

Rebuke the devil in Jesus name

And he surely will depart.

Oh give your heart to Jesus,

And he will be your Guide,

He’ll get you to the promised land,

He’ll keep you by his side!

And maybe someday,

In heaven we will meet.

God will claim you as his child

Before His judgment seat.

If you do not know the Judge,

You can’t expect to win!

So you make sure you’re right with God,

And pure from every sin!

Then He’ll say, “Well done!”

And usher you inside,

He’ll show to you your mansion bright,

With holy righteous pride!

He loves you, wayward child,

Go on back to Him!

And when you stand tried in court,

You are sure to win!!

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A Dream

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