Nick Andre Learns the Power of Words

Nick Andre thought he was just expressing his feelings in a class assignment, but what he said got him kicked off his football team.

Nick Andre, a junior member of the Rittman varsity football team, wrote a poem for his writing class. Nick was told to write a poem about something he was passionate about. Nick chose to write about his frustrations with his football team, one player in particular, and the coach. I won’t place the poem up on this site because some of the words are really unfriendly. After reading his poem and reviewing it, the principal suspended Nick from the team for “hazing” and “harassment.”
Luke 6:45 tells us that out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. This means that whatever is on your heart will eventually come out of your mouth; good or bad. That’s why in Philippians 4:8, the Bible tells us to think on things that are good, true, noble, virtuous, etc. God knows how to help us navigate life, we just have to be willing to listen to Him. Remember to watch how you speak and act towards people. Be kind! 🙂
Happy Sabbath

By David Robinson

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