Looking at Soccer a Different Way

What happens when we start getting creative in sports? Let’s find out!

I recently came across this video that I thought was cool. Apparently, someone had the great idea of combining soccer with protective bubbles; aptly named “Bubble Football.” Check it out.

I’m not really sure of the specific rules, but it looks as if everything this is the same as soccer except with addition of being allowed to play bumper cars with opposing players. It looks like a ton of fun, doesn’t it?

If people can find ways to be creative in sports, how much more creative can we be with our faith? How can we make witnessing more fun? Is there another way to have a group Bible study? This week, think about ways you can do things differently. Let me know of the creative things you come up with. Good luck!

Happy Sabbath!

By David Robinson

Guide magazine only prints true stories. However, we do publish some imaginative stories on the Guide website. If you want to share your story with our online readers, click below.

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