
Have you seen this commercial?

There’s a new commercial that aired during the Olympics last week. It was a commercial showing an overweight kid trying to run. The commercial’s message was to show you that greatness can be found in anyone. Often times, we see star athletes that look a certain way because the media only portrays a certain type of athlete. However, greatness can come in all shapes and sizes.

When Jesus spoke to people like Zacchaeus and Mary Magdalene, people would didn’t look like people who Jesus should be hanging out with, but He saw something different. Inside of them, He saw past their faults to see who they really were.
There’s a phrase that goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” As I meet more and more people like this kid in the commercial, I see how true this statement really is. Keep being great, everyone. Happy Sabbath!

By David Robinson

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