Toughness with Rugby

The popular sports to play are basketball, football, baseball, and soccer. Alexander Colon, a senior at Framingham High School in Framingham, MA loves to play rugby!

Many believe that rugby was born in 1823 when William Webb Ellis played in his time at Rugby school. he took the ball in his arms and ran with it, thus originating the distinctive feature of Rugby game. How did Alexander get involved in a sport like this? “A buddy of mine told me that I would be the perfect person to play rugby” said Alexander.

During his journey of playing this unusual sport came some usual setbacks. All of the state and regional tournament games were held on Saturday mornings, so Alexander never got to play in the tournaments. Most of the game were on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays in which he only played games on Wednesdays. Alexander’s coach never forced him to play any games on Fridays or Saturdays, just hinted. “When talking to my coach I told him maybe if I played only for a half of the game before Friday nights/Saturday mornings. He tried his best to find any kind of loop hole. He mulled over this for quite some time, he talked to his pastor and parents about this in which they replied. “This is your decision.” So he got on his knees and prayed about this. Alexander made up his mind about what he was going to do about this situation.

Captains have more authority than coaches do. Coaches are only there to manage the game and sub players in and out. This is how Club Middlesex county. “It got to the point where I got in an argument with the team captain about how I was unable to play for a Saturday game. He told me if I didn’t play I would get kicked off the team, I haven’t played since. I started every game and was in the running for being the captain my senior year.”

There is another rugby league that Alexander can join. “I am disappointed about getting kicked off, but if that’s how they felt then I shouldn’t be here anyways.” This problem can face anyone in any sport but the fact that Alexander never played during Sabbath hours even though, he was really good is very stimulating. God will surely bless him and his family.

When asked if there was rugby in Alexander’s future he responded with: “When I go to college I would like to find another club to play for, but in the end I’d rather go to an Adventist school than play rugby.”

By David Robinson

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