A Good Day

This may be a random picture of some spare change and a letter, but this story is way bigger than that.
***I want to say congratulations to the Miami Heat for just winning the NBA championship tonight just now. Good job to the MVP, LeBron James***
Anyway, back to the money. Some time ago, a young fan by the name of Joe wrote a sincere letter to then-New York Giant, Brandon Jacobs. The reason why Joe wrote this letter is because Jacobs announced to the media that he was leaving the Giants because there wan’t enough money. Upon hearing this, Joe wrote a letter –the letter in the picture– to stay with the Giants and that he would give Jacobs all of his money to stay; all $3.36.
It was a lovely gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by the media. Now, just a short time ago, Brandon Jacobs returned the money to Joe and took his sons and Joe out for a day on the town. Jacobs now plays for the San Francisco 49ers, but it was still a nice thing to do.
I think it’s cool when superstars make time for their fans. It doesn’t always have to be as big as something like this, but simple things like signing an autograph or even shaking someone’s hand is enough. We never know how much of an impact we’ll have on people’s lives. That’s why it’s so important for us to put our best face forward whenever we meet people. We may be the only sunshine in that person’s life that day 🙂

By David Robinson

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