The Try and Fail

I don’t know how many of you saw this but last week, John Wall, of the NBA’s Washington Wizards, threw out the first pitch at a Washington Nationals’ game. Throwing the first pitch in a game is considered an honor, so it’s usually a celebrity or another sports figure that gets to do it. What usually ends up happening is that the the pitch is always thrown short. Basically; the celebrity throwing the first pitch fails miserably. Everybody then laughs at how bad the pitch was and then the game moves on.

That was really hard to watch lol

But then I remembered that John Wall plays basketball, not baseball, for a living. Of course he’s going to mess up. But I’m sure that if he practiced a little bit more, he would be able to throw a really good pitch.

Have you ever witnessed a new Christian trying to be…well…a Christian? It’s a little hard for them. They were so used to doing things one way that the transition is a bit odd. That’s where you come in! If you ever see this, feel free to let them know that EVERYONE makes mistakes and Jesus will forgive us if we ask Him too. Don’t let them get discouraged!  

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