1 Peter 2:9 – Chosen

1 Peter 2:9 reminds all of us that we are a chosen group of people. But what does that really mean?

Recently I watched the some of the NBA Draft picks live. I almost never do this, but for whatever reason, this year I watched the first three picks. It was a cool thing to see. The first pick is always the most suspenseful. Each team has 5 minutes to make their pick. There’s usually a big group of undrafted players in the room with their families. As the teams take their full 5 minutes to make a selection, the undrafted players wait with their families hoping and praying that their name will be chosen. When a team finally makes their selection, the name is written on a card and the announcement is made. The player whose name is called usually has a big smile on their face, the parents are usually crying, and the rest of the family is hugging and cheering. It’s a cool moment to watch.

Being picked for something is a big deal. It’s like the person who is picking you says, “Hey, out of everyone available, I want YOU to be a part of this team.” That’s what God means in 1 Peter 2:9 when He calls His people “chosen.” It means that no one can be born into this team. No one can pay to be a part of this team. They must be specifically chosen. God wants to remind us of that because life is a loooooong journey and along the way, we can easily become discouraged by the problems that we face. When and if you ever feel this way, just remember that you were CHOSEN to be a part of God’s team. That special selection should mean more to you than anything else in the world.

By David Robinson

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