Um.. well here we go?

Hi everyone I think this part 2 of the story I think am going to be posting so here we go.                Ok (am going to change Josh name to Mark) Mark  you stay here while I go get Elena (am going to change Jenna name into name to Millie ) Millie said . Wait Mark said , yes? What if you do not even come back? Do not worry I will bring Biscuit my horse , and with that she left{} Elena Elena? Were are you? Millie ask in a whisper, then she found Elena putting in her backpack toys, Elena Millie said in a whisper ah! Elena shouted shh! Millie said what are you doing still here? Well Elena started I wanted to bring Mr. woofer .ok come but first I need to get some food Millie said. Millie Elena said ,yes? Millie asked ,why are we running away? Elena asked .Ha Millie said we are not running away we are going to go camping. Then why did we leave at 3:00 a.m? Elena asked because our caretaker would never let us camp alone , Millie whispered , but Elena started why aren’t we going with our foster mom and dad? Because they hate camping Millie said has she got food including marshmallows .after they filled Biscuit saddle bag with food it was time to get Biscuit {} Biscuit here boy Millie called a beautiful paint stallion came towards them . Ok boy we are going to ride bareback Millie said . After they got on Biscuit they started to head were the other kids were . What took you so long Mark whined I had to get a lot of food Because you eat a lot Millie said hey Mark said anyways Millie said let’s get going .after the 4 little kids got on the Shetland pony Candy the older kids got on Annie and Biscuit they started the long hike . It was night time when they got to the camp site . Am hungry Elena , Layla, Jack, and Rebecca said ,ok let’s build a fire to roast marshmallows   Mark said after they eat they want to sleep{} the next morning they got up and went to their foster home. when they got there the foster parents did not even said anything about yesterday but they say this, kids we are going to on important trip you stay here bye . And they left . Ok so….. Mark asked . In a little while the little kids were playing and making a mess in their room and Millie was riding Biscuit and Mark was planning trouble…                                                            that was part 2 a little long anyways am going to post part 3 in 1 week I hope you enjoyed bye lol

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Um.. well here we go?

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