True Stewardship


This week I had a very odd call. One of my ex-girlfriends from high school called me.

She doesn’t attend church regularly but she said felt like she needed to be giving tithe. Since she didn’t have a regular church that she went to, or even membership anywhere, she asked how she could tithe.

Since I knew the Holy Spirit was stirring her heart I told her for now maybe find a charity that is clearly doing what we are supposed to be doing as Christians and that is spreading the word of God. I recommended a few SDA related agencies since she had attended one of our schools at one point.

Answering her question was easier since I have my Stewardship Honor–and I’ve also taught it a few times too. 😉

Are you too feeling a little confused about tithes and offerings? Check out the Stewardship Honor this weekend. Maybe sit down with your parents, youth pastor, or Sabbath school leader and ask, “So what is this tithe stuff all about?”

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True Stewardship

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