They called us Jewish

Chapter 2 
Dear Sharon and Georgette , how are you doing, are you eating well, are you behaving? Am fine .our house got bombed , but am in care of Aunt Cathy, Write to me in her care I really miss you so much and the War is not that hard there but hopefully you don’t have to know or know what it feels like to be to be in war I hope you are safe . I bet you grew a lot in these years. I love you so much and miss you and can’t wait to see you again soon . Love you Mother .
I sighed it was nice to hear from Mother again even though I could not see or hear her voice any time soon .
I sat back in my seat waiting to arrive at that old orphanage. ” Ladies and Gentleman you have to leave the train immediately NOW ” I quickly jumped to my feet and grabbed my suitcase and pushed through the herd of humans and got to get out to the train Station and sat on one of the old rusty bench and waited . For who?
The War was closer than we thought we had to leave tonight and gather with other Jewish kids . We were going in groups of 2 lead by older boys from Italy to Switzerland and that would be home . We were not to tell anyone even among ourselves that we were going to Switzerland, and some of us were getting fake names , gladly I did not have to change my name. But we all need to change ALL our last name and get fake passwords in case of any information needed , we were to say that we were going to summer camp. In the mountains. I slept that night worried . Why? Because we had to run for our lives . Why? .
sorry cliff hanger . Will post soon but right now am on testing so wish me much luck and please pray that I get a good grade . Bye love you guide people I love to read your stories, Bye!

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They called us Jewish

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