The Man With the Flashlight

The Man With the Flashlight.

By, Eljasz Perez

When I was six years old, while we were on vacation, I woke up with a bright light in my face and wondered why…

It was a scorching hot day when we decided to walk and explore Lower Manhattan and Time Square New York, it was fun but very exhausting. We wanted to leave New York City and head towards Niagara Falls earlier in the day, but we got caught up with all the fun activities. Before we knew it, it was already Midnight. It was not worth it to go to a hotel to sleep for only a few hours. My parents figured they should just take a small nap in our car and take off driving when they had rested enough.

So we drove to a nice looking street bubbling with activity. We figured we would be safe sleeping there with our car on so we could use the AC. We parked in the only spot that was available on the street, we prayed and we went to sleep in our car. It took me awhile to wind down because it was a very exciting day and as I thought of the day, I looked out the window. The scene around me started to get blurry and my eyelids drooped, and the rhythmic breathing of my sister put me into a deep… deep… sleep…

Around four hours later, everyone that was on the street was gone and we were the only people on the block, but we didn’t know it because we were still sleeping.

Then I heard my parents talking, I thought I was dreaming until a bright light shined on my face, waking me up. When I awoke I saw a police officer standing just outside our car looking through the driver side window. He was normal in size, very white, clean shaven, blond hair, blue eyes, was wearing a police uniform with a flashlight in hand, and he had a very nice, clear voice.

He asked my dad, “…you from and what are you doing here?”

My dad answered, “We’re visiting from Chicago and were heading toward Niagara Falls, we had a long day so we wanted to rest a little before we left to the falls.”

He replied, “This is not a safe place, because there are drug dealers on this street and since your car is on they might think that you are waiting for drugs and they will come to your car and try to sell you drugs. Anyway, I know a safe spot for you to sleep.”

My dad replied, “Actually, just tell us the way to the highway and we can leave now.”

“I don’t know where the highway is, but I do know a safe place to sleep.”

He told us the way to the safe place, we thanked him and he walked off.

We all then immediately thought of the number of odd occurrences that had just taken place.

First: he was alone, usually the NYPD work in pairs, especially since 9/11.
Second: We noticed there was no cop car in sight.
Third: When we looked back, he was gone and we were in the middle of a large city block. Where could he have gone so quickly?

We followed his directions and drove to the place where he said it would be safe to sleep. While we drove there,  we kept on thinking about the incident.

Once again we fell asleep. When we awoke, it was early in the morning. We realized the highway was just around the corner. What cop doesn’t know where the highway is?

We reanalyzed the incident and our conclusion was, it must have been an angel of God. He knew that we should sleep some more, and that the street we were originally on was not a safe street, we could’ve gotten hurt. And also, how could he have vanished just like that unless he was an angel of God.

When we finally arrived at Niagara Falls we had a great time, but within all that excitement we could not get the incident out of our minds.

When I think of that entire incident, I think of how God sent His Angel to protect us. So now, when I worry about something or when I’m afraid, I know that God is always with me and will send one of his angels to protect me from danger when the time is right.

Reflecting upon that incident these two Bible verses come to mind:

“The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them” (Psalm 34:7 NIV).

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10 NIV).

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The Man With the Flashlight

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