Rolf Holbrook


Look! We’ve got the facts on Pathfinder blogger Rolf Holbrook.

Where do you live:
Yukon, Oklahoma

Single or Married:
Just me, myself, and I for now, but God is working on that.

Where were you born?

Who was your favorite school teacher and why?
So many, but I’m going to say Jim McClelland. He was my art professor at
Union College and very gifted artist and —thankfully—an equally talented

Describe yourself:
Ha! That’s like asking the wind to tell its secrets. I’ll try. I love
cracking jokes, I’m very outgoing and I can be very reclusive. I usually
try to avoid leadership positions but it seems they always come calling. I
feel a bit like Moses sometimes and years ago I told God in prayer that he
needed to give me an Aaron if he wanted me to lead. He did.

What goes on in a normal day of work for you?
I work in a grocery store. I make food for customers and
talk to them about food and look at lots of food and then clean up. It’s
oddly very enjoyable right now after sitting at a desk for the last ten

Do you have a secret talent?
It’s not very secret. I’m very much into LEGOs.

What is your favorite veggie food item?
Mock Abalone! Thanks to working at the deli at Union College, I have some
pretty awesome stir fry making skills and the secret ingredient to a great
vegetarian style beef and broccoli stir fry is mock abalone.

What is the craziest, most out-of-character thing you’ve ever done?

I used to work in a maximum security prison in Lincoln, Nebraska. One day
there was a massive buildup of inmates that were about to fight. I calmly
called for backup and grabbed a chair and boldly walked towards the two
half circles of inmates facing off getting ready to fight. I put the chair
down facing backwards and sat down in it and rested my arms of the back of
it. The group inmates where slightly shocked. One of the leaders asked what
I was doing. I calmly told him to proceed but that I need a good viewpoint
because when they were done I was going to have to write a bunch of reports
and pack up all their personal property while they were away in
segregation. This was just enough time for security staff to show up. Noticing the increasing number
of blue shirts to brown shirts those inmates that really didn’t want to be
involved quickly pulled back to their cells. With only a few inmates still
standing facing off the ratio began to become pointless and the riot never

Do you have any nicknames?
Rook, The Ghost, Halfpipe

What food item do you look for at potluck?
I have cow’s milk allergy so, sadly, the answer now is “Anything I can
eat.” We Adventists love to put cheese on everything!

Do you have any trophies?
Ah, yes. My favorite is one I got at Brickworld Chicago. Yep, that’s a
LEGO thing.

If you were stranded on deserted island and could only bring one
item, what would it be?

A fully-charged satellite phone.

What’s the most amazing thing God’s ever done for you?
Wakes me up each day and asked me to write for Him in Guide

Who is your favorite music artist?
Christian? I’m really digging a young new star called Lauren Daigle.
Non-Christian there’s a big list but I’ll say I’m a huge fan of the
soundtrack for Tron Legacy.

What’s your favorite iPhone game or table game?
Smart phone game would be Angry Birds. It’s simple and you can squeeze in a
level here and there with no time commitment.

Where is your favorite place you’ve ever visited?
Yikes, I’ve travelled a lot. Each place has very different meanings and
reasons why I love them. That being said, I love white sand beaches and the
Island of the Blue Lagoon in the Bahamas is at the top of that list for

Do you speak any other languages? If so, which one(s)?
Portuguese and little Spanish

Summer, spring, fall, or winter?
Fall, best time for camping. 😉

What was/is your favorite subject in school?

What’s the best book you’ve ever read?
All of the Chronicles of Narnia

What is a phobia that you can’t shake?
I don’t swim in the ocean. I’ll go in up to my head or bit deeper with a
board but I’m pretty sure there’s things down there that I don’t really need to
see up close and personal.

If you could go back in history and meet one person who would it be,
and why?

Adam and Eve. I’d tell them not to do it. It turns out really bad.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I’m pretty open to those that know me, but something that doesn’t usually
come in conversation is I’m in the 99.9 percent of dyslexics. It’s pretty
amazing I can even read and write. The doctor said my coping skills are
equally high. Somehow I have Bachelors of Science in Psychology and I’m
going back this fall for more school.

What’s your favorite Bible text?
Psalms 23

What is the biggest compliment you’ve ever had?
“You inspire me”

Any parting words?
“Shine brighter!” & “See you at the Tree”

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Rolf Holbrook

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