Panning for Gold!


I was in Northern California with family in the summer of 1988. Some
cousins of mine and their family were gold miners—more specifically they
panned for gold. That was their job. They would go out everyday and find gold.

They took us out to a river high in the mountains. This was the first
day I ever found gold. At the end of the day, my dad packed all of our
gold into a little bottle. I’m sure the amount we found wasn’t a lot. They
were just small flakes, no nuggets.

A couple years ago I had the privilege of selling some gold (and silver)
for a family member. I was amazed that just one small coin of gold was
worth more than $200.

I heard a story today about a man that made a deal with God. He asked God
if he could bring some stuff to heaven with him. God agreed. When the man
reached the gates of heaven he was carrying two suitcases. The gatekeeper
stopped him and said nothing was allowed in. The man said that God Himself
had given permission. The gatekeeper opened the bags and saw they were
packed full with bars of gold. The gatekeeper laughed out loud, “Of all
things, why would you bring pavement!”

Makes me think about what many of us consider valuable in this life will be
worthless in the next.

Panning for gold in this life can be a great way to spend time in nature.
If you use the wealth you find to do great things to honor Him, then it is
probably time well spent.

Check out the Gold Prospecting Honor for more information:

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Panning for Gold!

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