Not Completely Forgotten

Not Completely Forgotten

Left sitting on the shelf
No longer of use and unwanted
She says, Why dont you just throw me away?
Im all broken up,
My stitches coming loose,
I dont have a purpose,
Im just a waste of space.
Why do you keep me?
Her mind became dark.
Her thoughts were sad.
The memories didnt help.
Those sunny days;
The happy days of the past…
They made things worse.
Turned her bad.
Depressed, dejected,
Feeling rejected,
Feeling cast out.
Thats what I am,
An outcast.
She was hurting and
She just wanted to be
Then one day light reached up and
Took her.
Cradled her in arms.
Lifted up and twirled around.
Like flying, like freedom.
Singing voices and sweets.
She was put in a box;
A pretty, shiny box.
Taken outside and handed over,
To a little girl
In a little dress
Sitting on a little chair.
The box was opened and
Squeals of delight reached the ears of the doll.
The doll that sat on a shelf,
Overflowing with sadness
For 15 years, says,
Ill be loved again.

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Not Completely Forgotten

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