New Story-Next Chapter

 Hope you enjoy this story.

It currently doesn’t have a title, so if you have any good suggestions
after reading these excerpts please let me know in the comments, Thanks.

Chapter 3


“I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit.” Pastor Verlice lowered Grant into the water.  


It was a wonderful moment. 


Later that day, Grant, his family, and our family went to a restaurant for a celebration. My dad was unable to go because of some last minute conference he had to attend. That’s when it went all wrong.


Brynn and I were sitting in the back seat, I was sleepy and soon drifted off into a light sleep.  Suddenly there was a loud crash, followed by a lurch.  Then everything went black. 


“Bree, Bree, Bree, Please respond…….Dear God, please let her be okay………” A voice called out. It sounded familiar, but I couldn’t see the person behind the voice. 


“Bree, Bree……..” The voice persisted, “Please be alright………” The voice grew urgent. 


Slowly, my vision cleared……………


“Dad,” I croaked, “Wh…Wha…What happened?” 

 Here’s the link to the previous two chapters, for those who haven’t read it:

I’ll post more soon…….

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New Story-Next Chapter

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