New start

Hi everyone remember that story” Robyn’s dogs ” yeah I want to change the name and all so the new title is ….. My Story  . So let’s start oh and the dog up is Sadie ….
Hi am Sadie am a Aussie dog and 2 years old you may be asking why a dog is leading the story  but if the humans told it they would not be so great story tellers and anyway the tile has my name on it , am a service dog and I live with a 20 year old woman who is very nice  her name’s Sarah she tells me I won’t be Hers forever whatever that means but she sounds sad when she says it and then there’s Mrs Robert she comes every month to test me if am doing good. I love my life and maybe you will too. That’s a very very very short chapter but I be back bye for now !

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New start

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