My Trip


Trip to Africa

It had been 4 years since we had gone for the last
mission trip so we decide we wanted to go on another one. This time my brother
could not come or my mom so it was me and my dad. Wehad
to prepare for the trip and pack our things. We bought the ticket online and
you can use many different websites, but I used Google flights.  Then we confirmed the ticket, always do this
just to make things easier. While confirming we chose our meal plan and chose
our seat. We went to lots of stores and got all the things we needed then put
them in the suitcases. After that we arranged the things and weighed the
suitcases to be 50 pounds each. We put the things in the car and then we were
finished with preparing.

     Then we
went to Newark airport to go to Nairobi. First we had to pass through Zurich,
Switzerland and waited there for 40 minutes. We confirmed our passport numbers
and went to the gate to go to Zurich as it was boarding. When we arrived in
Zurich, we waited and then went to the gate to go to Nairobi. When we arrived
at our destination we went and I got my visa then we were officially in Kenya.
We went and got a sim card because we needed it for communication and to call
my uncle. At this time it was about 10:00 pm the usual time the plane arrives.
We called my uncle to pick us up and he came at 10:45 pm. We went to his house
on the way I called my mom it was 3:50 there.

     This was
our first week we went to town at town my dad went to the bank. We went to tuskeys
and got some water then went to the matatu bus stand.  We boarded a matatu to our friend’s house it
took us 3 hours to get there because of the traffic jam. Then the next day we
went to the stand to go to Kisii we took Transit Classic we passed through
Narok the total time was 4 hours. We went to church at 3 different churches. We
stayed there a little while and I got to visit my cousins and we went to my cousin’s
internet café. We went to the orphanage and gave the children clothes. Then we
went to the stand and bought the tickets for Steve my cousin, my dad, and me.
We used Transit Classic the same one we had used coming. The van had charging
outlets and we sat at the front of the main sitting area. We arrived at Nairobi
at 3:00 pm and Steve went to my uncle’s house and we went to our friend’s

     The next
day we went to the bus stand we stayed there awhile to wait for Steve. We found
out he didn’t come with some stuff we needed. Then my uncle and I hoped on the
bus and went to his house. I quickly grabbed the stuff, my uncle and I waited
for the next bus. Then we went to town there were my father and Steve we went
to the station for matatus going to Namanga, Kenya. We arrived at Namanga in
the afternoon we got a yellow fever vaccination at the border then we were in
Tanzania. We were greeted by my uncle and we went to his house and slept that
night. In the morning we met the Pastor we were going to be traveling with. We
decided to go to Hedaru and visit our friend; it took up the whole day. The
next day we got a bus that was going toDar es Salaam. We arrived there at night
and we slept at a hotel for the night. In the morning we went to church, and
then we went to stay at a friend’s house for the night. In the morning we went
to visit my uncle’s house then we went to the Indian Ocean beach.

     The next
day we wanted to leave for Morogoro at 6:00 am but we forgot to tell the
driver, so we ended up leaving at 12:00 pm. We first stopped to visit my uncle
then we went to Morogoro and arrived in the afternoon. It was too late to visit
the Christian Ufunuo Publishing house we went to Dodoma and then slept at a
hotel there for the night. Then we went to Kondoa, there we saw the sunflower
oil being made in a factory. After this we went to Iringa town. It was late so
we slept there. In the morning we went to Kibidula Mission station which was 30
minutes from Mafinga, it was in Iringa. We saw the school and then headed back
to Morogoro. We slept at a hotel in Morogoro because it was too late. In the
morning we went to Church Conference called ECT (East Central Tanzania). We saw
our friends there and discussed on printing Christian Literature to awaken
people of Jesus coming soon. We went to the bus stand to go to Arusha town, we
arrived late and slept. The next day we went to the Church union office of
Arusha to see church leaders and departed for Nairobi.


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My Trip

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