My Story- Chapter 4 and previous chapters

 Hope you enjoy this story.

It currently doesn’t have a title, so if you have any good suggestions
after reading these excerpts please let me know in the comments, Thanks.

Here is chapter 4. In case you haven’t read the previous chapters, I have included all the previous chapters.

Chapter 1


My twin sister, Brynn and I came out of the community library. 


Suddenly……..A boy around seven came rushing out and banged into us, knocking our books to the ground. “I’m so sorry,” He said, “Here, let me help you pick them up. By the way, I’m Tyson”. 


Brynn, the outgoing one, smiled, “Well Tyson….” 


Tyson interrupted, “Please call me Ty”.


Brynn grinned, “Ok then, Ty, It’s nice to meet you. I’m Brynn and that’s my twin sister Bree”. 


“I can speak for myself.” I said, laughing.


Just then a boy several years older came out of the library carrying a girl around two years old with one hand and several books in the other. “Ty, can you come help with Kinsley?” He asked. 


Ty grinned, “Sure”. 


“Is that your brother?” I asked Ty. 


“Yup, that’s my brother, Grant.” Ty said proudly. 


I laughed, “You must really love your brother”. 


“Yup, he’s the best. He’s, he’s, like my dad………..” Ty’s eyes clouded up, “Dad……..” 


“That’s great………” I said.


“No, you don’t understand. My dad is dead.” Ty said bitterly.


“C’ mon Ty, Mom’ll be waiting for us.” Grant said cheerfully, but his eyes looked sad. 


“Well,” Said Brynn, never the one to be gloomy. “Bree and I have to get going too. See you guys around”. 


Kinsley smiled and waved at us as we headed home. 


“I feel so bad for Ty, Grant and Kinsley.” I stated as we turned the corner of our street. “I would have felt just like Ty did, if that happened to me”. 


Brynn nodded in agreement. “Ya……..It’s so, well, sad”. 


“Don’t you think Grant’s such a great older brother. He must be real busy with school, helping care for Ty and Kinsley.” I said.




Chapter 2


The next day, We went to pick up some peanut butter for our mom at the local convenience store. To our surprise Grant was the cashier. 


“Welcome to Cranston Street Convenience Store, how may I help you? Oh, it’s Brynn and Brianna.” 


I giggled, “I’m Bree, not Brianna, most people get my name wrong”.


Grant chuckled. “Ok, Bree.”


“I didn’t know you worked here.” Brynn said.


“It’s a side job, I have to bring some money back.” Grant said, “Mom’s job doesn’t bring a lot of money.” 


“Oh, say, would you like to come to church next week with us?” I asked.


“I don’t know, I have to watch Kinsley and Ty.”


Brynn grinned, “No problem, There’s classes for Ty and Kinsley.” 


“Ok, Next week, Sunday morning?” Grant asked.


“Ummm, no, It’s saturday morning.” I said.


“Saturday? You go to church on saturday?” Grant looked puzzled.


“Well,” Brynn quickly explained. “We are Seventh Day adventists. We go to church on Saturdays, ” 


Grant nodded, “Uh, Ok, No problem. I guess I’ll see you then.” 




Chapter 3


“I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit.” Pastor Verlice lowered Grant into the water.  


It was a wonderful moment. 


Later that day, Grant, his family, and our family went to a restaurant for a celebration. My dad was unable to go because of some last minute conference he had to attend. That’s when it went all wrong.


Brynn and I were sitting in the back seat, I was sleepy and soon drifted off into a light sleep.  Suddenly there was a loud crash, followed by a lurch.  Then everything went black. 


“Bree, Bree, Bree, Please respond…….Dear God, please let her be okay………” A voice called out. It sounded familiar, but I couldn’t see the person behind the voice. 


“Bree, Bree……..” The voice persisted, “Please be alright………” The voice grew urgent. 


Slowly, my vision cleared……………


“Dad,” I croaked, “Wh…Wha…What happened?” 




Chapter 4


“Thank the Lord!” Dad exclaimed in relief, “The doctors were not sure if you’ll make it………”


“What happened, Where’s mom? And Brynn?” 


When he didn’t answer I knew something was wrong. 


“What happened!” I insisted.


Dad chose his words carefully, “It was a car accident, a drunk driver crashed into the car.”


“What about mom! Where is she?” I cried.


Tears welled up in his eyes, “She’s gone.”


The news hit me like a rock. It couldn’t be, my fun, loving, cheerful mother, gone. It must be a mistake, but deep inside, I knew my mother was dead.


“What about Brynn?” I asked. 


“She is still unconscious.”  


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My Story- Chapter 4 and previous chapters

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