My Favorite Kind of Day

My Favorite Kind of Day
The sun is shining. Birds are calling here and there, the wind is whispering through the trees, and stray rays of sunlight glint on the early-morning dewdrops, sparkling like a sea of diamonds. I walk, heart free of care and trouble, along the smooth grey-brown pavement. Trees beckon to me, calling out for me to sit beneath them, lean on their weather-worn trunks, but I dont stop until I reach the lake. It gleams like a jewel, rippling like a piece of the finest silk in the sunshine. I sit in the soft green carpet of grass, and reach for my cheese-and-mustard sandwich. The bread is soft and nutty, the cheese salty and smoky, and the mustard has just the right amount of tang. A breeze ruffles my hair, and I can feel the caressing hand of the Lord in it. I thank God for this day, and I lean back and close my eyes.

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My Favorite Kind of Day

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