Kaylee Goes Camping, Chapter 5

Lara looked out the tent window. “You know what girls? We should still have fun! I mean, we all have our rain boots and rain jackets, right?”

Kaylee and Harper nodded.

“We can play hide and seek! My brother and I play that all time in the woods at our house,” she exclaimed.

The girls hurried to put on their boots and jackets, and went outside. “1..2..3..not it!!” They said.

After bickering about who was last, Harper volunteered to be it.

As soon as she started counting, Kaylee ran. I need to find the best spot! She thought as she jumped over logs. She spotted a place behind a bush. The perfect spot! She ran to the bush, but suddenly, “Ow!” She exclaimed. She had slipped on a muddy rock.

As she tried to get up, pain shot through her ankle. “Aah!” She exclaimed once again. I can’t be sitting in this mud with my clothes being soaked while it’s raining! My asthma will get triggered, and I don’t have my inhaler!

Kaylee panicked. “Lara?! Harper!! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?!”

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Kaylee Goes Camping, Chapter 5

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