Kaylee Goes Camping, Chapter 3

“Bug spray, super-powerful flashlight, pink sleeping bag, super cool adjustable cot, yup! I think I’m set!” Kaylee exclaimed.

“And don’t forget the hiking boots!” Mr. David added.

“Definitely cannot forget that!” She giggled.

When they arrived back at the house, Kaylee practically flew up the stairs. ‘I will need shirts for each day, some shorts, some long pants, ugh, I can’t wait!’ She thought as she started packing her duffle bag.

“Kaylee,” Ms. Natalie yelled from downstairs. “Don’t forget your inhaler on the counter!”

The next day…

‘Ding-Dong!’ The doorbell rang.

“They’re here!!” Kaylee exclaimed as she opened the door.

“Good Morning Kaylee!” Mr. Jason, Harper’s Dad said.

“Good morning!” She chirped. She swung her backpack over her shoulder, and lugged her duffle bag out of the house.

“Need help with that?” Mr. Jason asked.

“No thanks!” She replied.

Mr. Jason and Mr. David chuckled. “Thanks for taking her along with you.” Mr. David said. “She’s never been camping before, so she was pretty nervous.”

“Obviously, she’s not that nervous anymore,” Ms. Natalie added.

“No prob! Hey, by the time she comes back, she will be a professional camper!” Mr. Jason laughed.

Kaylee came running back. “Bye mom, bye dad!” Kaylee smiled as she hugged them both tight.

“Bye honey!” Ms. Natalie said as she squeezed Kaylee tight.

“Bye Kay!” Mr. David said as he kissed Kaylee’s forehead. Kaylee ran back to the car, and Mr. Jason waved at Kaylee’s parents as he turned around to leave.

Just as Mr. David closed the door, Ms. Natalie turned around and saw the inhaler still on the counter. In less than a second, she grabbed the inhaler and ran out the door. Luckily, the car was just leaving the driveway. Ms. Natalie opened the car door. “Kaylee, dear,” She said out of breath. “Don’t scare me like that! Promise me you will not leave this anywhere and you remember to take it with you. Okay honey?”

“I promise. I’m sorry mom.” Kaylee said as she hugged her mom. “It won’t happen again.”

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Kaylee Goes Camping, Chapter 3

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