Jesus Take the Wheel

Jesus Take the Wheel

Out upon the waters

Where the tempest tossed,

Rocked a little ship

Disoriented and lost.

The ship was a frail one,

The captain, alas, twas I;

I could not get control of it

The many times I tried.

The storm was bad the sea was rough,

We were far from land,

I began to wonder if we’d see again

The gentle shine of sand.

Suddenly, a man appeared,

His garments strangely white.

And I wondered why,

His face seemed so alight.

His arms were muscular,

His shoulders were just as strong.

His blue eyes seemed so gentle,

His curly hair was long.

He gently touched my shoulder

And looked me in the eye

“Why don’t you take a break,” He said,

“And let me have a try?”

I stopped to think about it,

My stubborn nature rose,

But when I thought of the storm about me,

My frightened heart just froze.

I willingly stepped aside

Making no reply

Why not? I thought,

I’ll let him have a try.

Just when he gripped the wheel

The storm arose in all its fury;

The rain seemed to come down

Faster in a flurry.

The storm had gotten worse,

What does this guy know?

I thought to myself,

As the wind continued to blow.

Lightning flashed, thunder crashed,

The sea began to roar;

I crossed my legs, I chewed my nails,

I couldn’t sit no more.

I drew to his side,

(You know how I must feel)

“Pardon me,” said I,

“Do you mind if I take the wheel?”

Without a single word

He kindly stepped aside.

I gripped the wheel,

Smiling, triumphantly inside.

That smile didn’t last,

As waves washed o’re the bow,

My little ship, a tanged mess,

Was the very sight of woe.

I fought to keep control

But the storm more than prevailed,

I didn’t want to mention it,

But I knew that I had failed.

Then, He gently touched my shoulder

And looked me in the eye

“Why don’t you take a break,

“And let me have a try?”

I stopped to think about it,

My stubborn nature rose,

But when I thought of the storm about me,

My frightened heart just froze.

The sea seemed so angry,

But He handled it with ease,

He acted as though he wasn’t

On the stormy seas.

I learned to let him take the wheel,

He can do much more that I,

I don’t know how I fail

Don’t you ask me why.

Are you amidst a troubled sea

Amidst all cares and doubt?

Don’t make the same mistake I did,

You cannot go without!

No matter strong the trials

No matter how you feel;

You’re better off to step aside,

And let Jesus take the wheel!

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Jesus Take the Wheel

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