If I Could be Anyone for a Day


If I could be ANYONE for a day…


If I could be anyone for a day, maybe I might be Oprah Winfrey, and spend the day talking to famous people, yet be more famous than them all…

Or maybe I could be Hillary Clinton, and talk to massive crowds about making America better, and get hated, so maybe not…

Oh, I could possibly be Diane Sawyer, a timeless actress, and anything I say would be one of the greatest reviews…

Maybe it would be fun to be Sheryl Sandberg, to be paid for making Facebook be fabulous….

Ah, but to be Ellen DeGeneres, I would talk to so many people, hear so many stories, bring so many laughs…

But for me, the best person to be is…. ME. There is no one who I can be better being than me. So I think I’ll be me. Because if I was to be someone else, then someone else would have to be me. And there is no better me than me.


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If I Could be Anyone for a Day

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