I just came back from having a long day of tests

I just came back from having a long day of tests, exams, and more work, and I am exhausted then I remembered I has a project due the very next day. bummer what am I going to do?! I said that I would do it tomorrow and tell my language arts teacher that I had a rough week or make up an excuse. I heard the front door of my house door being opened (from my room upstairs). I went down stairs to greet my mom from her long day of work. I was just glad she was here after a long day. she asked how my day was and I started to yell how do you think my day went it was terrible. tone that voice young lady my mom said. I apologized and lost my appetite and I went to my room and got dressed for bed I completely skipped dinner and headed to bed. morning came and I am so glad because it is Friday. as I tried to get out of bed I fell to the floor and found my iPod under me at least I found it,(I lost it last week).
I got from the floor I looked at the time and well I am 20 min. late I rushed into the bathroom swished mouth rinse and shake my hair and put it up in a messy ponytail. I ran downstairs to look down at what I am wearing I was still in my pjs I went to my room and looked for any one to find any thing good to wear I put on a burgundy shirt that said something in white I slipped it on and wore some green jeans. I planned on skipping breakfast, but I am too hungry. all the milk finished and only just a crumb of cereal was left. well so much of breakfast. I was almost late for the bus but I got on as soon it was about to leave I saw my friend and was about to sit next to her but some one else was occupying my spot I told her to move and she stayed put I got a bit angry and sat in the back of the bus. the bus finally made a stop and I got off the bus. my friend asked me if I was okay then I said no are you okay?! I always sit next to you and now just because I dont look that great this morning you dont want me to be around you well I guess I wont be around you! bye!
first class language arts I just remembered I did not do my project and it was due today. as other kids went to present their project the time was nearing for me to present and i was hoping the bell would ring and my wish did not happen so the teacher asked me and I told her I forgot it I worked on it all night I almost came late for school she said that it was not like me to do that so she for gave me then the bell rang finally something good happened to me or is that good? well I passed through my other classes and finally lunch I looked for my friend and I saw her sitting with my enemies she did not like them either but she only did that to get on my nerves, and she really done it. so I sat by my self and I reflected on what happened earlier this morning and I regret it everything and about my project I should of done it the night before and it is not a good thing that the teacher had mercy on me. I hope things will change for me tomorrow now it is time to just go home and resolve my problem. as I was walking home I wondered what my shirt said as I read Adventist Youth Pathfinders!

part 2 will be posted next week if people subscribe please send me comments and tell the truth if the story shall go on and why. also if you do like my story you can also help me wright it share me your thoughts
everyone subscribe please 😉

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I just came back from having a long day of tests

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