How my family welcomes the Sabbath!

     My family has a special way of welcoming
the Sabbath (on Friday night) and making it special and different from other
nights. On Friday afternoons, Mom is busy cooking food for our supper and the
fellowship meal we will have at church the next day. Mom usually doubles the
recipe to make twice as much of the dish; half for our family, and half for

     When my sister and I set the table for
supper, we set out the special Sabbath candle. It round and short and has
pretty blue and white swirls. It smells good too! My sister and I take turns
every week lighting the candle. Last week, I mentioned that in Jewish homes,
the mother would always light the candle with a napkin on her head! After my
mom’s delicious meal, we have dessert on my favorite light blue plates.
Sometimes my sister and I sing “Happy Birthday Earth”, a song we made up. 

     Later that evening, we sing hymns while I
play on the piano. I like it when someone picks a song someone 
doesn’t know and
we learn a new hymn. In the hour or so before bedtime, Mom reads us a chapter
from a book about missionaries. Then we pray together as a family and head off
to bed so we can be up bright and early the next morning. I love remembering
God’s Sabbath day!

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How my family welcomes the Sabbath!

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