His Arms Aree Open Chapter 6

Ok so previously, Ariana had to refuse Claudia’s invitation to a party, so that she could go with Hilary to church. Claudia was very disappointed and told Ariana that she would regret not coming to her party.
Chapter 6
The next day, Ariana and Hilary were walking to their lockers to get there books for the next class. Ariana fiddled through her things before grabbing her books and stuffing them in her bag. Suddenly, a pink piece of paper slipped out from one of her folders. She bent down to pick it up and realized it was a note. Ariana looked over at Claudia’s locker which was just a few lockers away, where Claudia and her friend Stacy stood. They snickered as Ariana opened the note. It read:
I really don’t understand why you try to fit in at this school. You aren’t one of us. I invited you to my party so that you could start to fit in but No! Like a big IDIOT you turned my invitation down. You made me look silly in front of everyone by turning me down and now no one wants to come. Watch your back Ariana Morris, because I’m plotting my revenge!
Ariana folded the paper and slammed her locker door. She heard Claudia and Stacy snicker behind her as she walked away. They just want me to feel bad…Ariana said as she walked towards the trash can in the hallway, But I won’t. She lifted the top and threw the note in, just as Hilary came to join her to walk to their next class. “You ok?” Hilary asked Ariana as she noticed her face was kinda red.
“Yeh, I’m fine.” Ariana said. She told herself she wasn’t going to let this bother her, yet she felt weird inside.
Later that day, as Ariana and Hilary walked towards their table in the cafeteria, they found out that Claudia, Stacy, and some of their other friends, where sitting at their table. “Let’s just go find another table.” Hilary urged, But Ariana kept walking towards the table. Hilary followed a few steps behind.
“Excuse me ladies,” Ariana said politely as she approached the table, “This is our table.”
“You don’t own any of these tables, everyone has the freedom of choice to sit wherever they want to.” Claudia said sipping her drink.
“And we choose to sit HERE.” Ariana said, her temper rising.
“Well,too bad, we are already here.” Stacy said snickering evilly.
“Who asked you? Ariana said, her temper about to boil over.
“Look, there are many other seats to sit at, we where here first.” Claudia said.
“She’s right, Ariana.” Hilary whispered to Ariana pulling her arm, “Let’s go.”
Ariana looked at Claudia straight in the face, “Fine.”
As Ariana turned to leave, Claudia stuck out her foot, causing Ariana to trip and fall face down onto the floor, and into her food she was holding. Everyone in the cafeteria started to laugh, and Ariana’s face turned red with embarrassment, but mostly anger. She grabbed some of the spaghetti that was on the ground and flung it at Claudia, hitting her straight in her face. That did it. Soon the whole cafeteria was standing over them on the tables, everyone trying to get a good look at the fight. Ariana and Claudia rolled all over the floor, into spaghetti and gravy. Hilary tried to separate them, but only fell on her butt into some gravy. Soon the deputy principal entered the cafeteria and everyone scattered. “Alright girls!” Mr. Willis said pulling the girls apart, “Meet me in my office after school!”
Ariana walked out of the deputy principal’s office after school, to where Hilary waited for her. “You ok?” Hilary asked.
“No, No I’m not ok!” Ariana snapped, “Do I look ok?
“Sorry. You don’t have to be so dramatic.” Hilary replied as they walked out the school doors.
“Mr Willis called my mother. She’s coming to pick me up….” Ariana said shuffling her feet in the dust, “Mr Willis said he’ll give me one more chance, since I’m NEW here.”
Hilary looked at Ariana who looked devastated,” Well, at least it’s over. School will be out in a few days. You won’t even have to see Claudia’s face.”
“Could you not mention that name…” Ariana asked, “You know, this would have never happened if you hadn’t told me not to go to her party-“
“I didn’t tell you not to go! You decided not to go by yourself!”
“Yeh, but, you told me I shouldn’t go!” Ariana said angrily
“You just want to blame this on me, but i didn’t do anything!”
“That’s right! You didn’t even stop the fight!”
“I couldn’t! I fell in some of the gravy YOU spilled!”
“Your best friend was in a fight and you fell in gravy? Which one sounds worse to you?”
“Ariana, I’m sorry, i just couldn’t separate you. I’m not that strong you know!” Hilary snapped.
“You could have tried!” Ariana said walking away angrily.
“I did! Well, if you are going to treat me this way, maybe you should go find another best friend!” Hilary shouted after her.
“Fine! I just may do that.” Ariana said before entering her Mom’s car; They drove off and left Hilary standing in the dust….
 well, sorry it was so short and not that good…but i had to post something… please tell me your thoughts and if i made any spelling errors. Thx!smileylolgrin

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His Arms Aree Open Chapter 6

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