His Arms Are Open chapter 9

Chapter 9
Ariana walked through the back door of the house. She walked through the kitchen and into the living room where her mother was sweeping. Ariana plopped herself unto the sofa and sighed, loud enough for he mom to hear. Mrs Morris looked up from what she was doing and smiled, “What’s wrong Ariana?”
“The Christmas Program at Hilary’s church has been cancelled.” Ariana said reaching for the remote, “Hilary and i were really looking forward  to that. We were going to ask Mrs. Smith if we could sing ‘The First Noel’. Now we have to redo our schedule for the weekend.”
Mrs Morris leaned her broom unto the wall and sat down next to Ariana,”Well, why was it cancelled?” she asked as she wrapped her arm around Ariana.
Ariana leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder,”Mrs. Smith’s mother is sick and she has to go look after her. Pastor Smith and Gracie are going too.”
Mrs. Morris tilted her head, “Oh yes. Gracie call a few moments ago and tell me she wouldn’t be able to babysit…i wasn’t expecting her to work during the holidays though.” Mrs Morris held Ariana closer, “Don’t worry, I’ll  speak to Hilary’s mom and we’ll plan something fun for you guys.”
Ariana sat up,” Thanks mom!” she said before she kissed her mom on her cheek and walked up the stairs to her bedroom were she changed into some more comfortable clothes.
………………………………………………………the next day………………………………………………………………..
Later the next day, when the family sat down for dinner, Ariana prayed over the meal. “For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful, for Christ sake, amen.”
“Amen.” Everyone repeated.
Soon they were eating the nice meal their mom had prepared. Ariana’s mother would bake potatoes in the microwave, in a bag with a little water in it for about 8-10 minutes. Then, when they came out, she would slice them in half [Not all the way] and then saute’ in butter Big franks(veg-hot dogs), sweet peppers and Onion. then  she would mix that into the potato. sometimes they would have some fried Chicken, corn, broccoli and salad on the side with it, and they did this time.
As Alvin reached over the table for another piece of corn, Mrs Morris cleared her throat, signaling that she had something to say. Everyone looked in her direction.
“Well, I heard yesterday that the Christmas Program has been cancelled.” she started, looking over at Ariana who was still chewing on some potato,”So, I did some talking with Hilary’s mom…and I called up Grandpa Jake-“
Ariana’s eyes grew big,”Are we going to Grandpa Jake’s ranch?”
Mrs. Morris smiled broadly, “Well you took the words right out of my mouth! Yes, we are…and the Brewsters are coming too.”
Ariana jumped out of her chair,”YES! Oh, mom! this is awesome!” then she asked, “But how is everyone going to fit in grandpa’s house?”
Ariana then remembered that her grandfather had built an addition to the house, where guest would stay when they came to visit, or that they rented out to someone for a weekend. then she smiled, “Oh, scratch that.” She and her family hadn’t seen the renovation yet, but they knew it had to be good. After all, her grandfather used to build houses.
Alvin looked at Aaron,”I can’t wait to ride Grandpa’s horses again!”
“I can’t wait to have some of grandma’s good cooking!” Aaron replied.
“I guess your grandpa and I would be doing some fishing.”Mr Morris said sitting back in his seat.
Ariana smiled as she sat back down. She couldn’t wait to go to Grandpa and Grandma’s ranch. She loved to help Grandma Fiona make some of the meals and she loved to ride the horses. she hadn’t been there since she was 10…so she may be a bit rusty with her riding skills.
Later, Ariana called Hilary to talk about their new adventure.
“I can’t wait to go to your grandpa’s ranch. You’ve told me so much about them, it seems like I’ve already met them!” Hilary said.
“I’m even more excited than you are!” Ariana replied.
 “I find that hard to believe!” Hilary said giggling.
 Ariana smiled. She and her family and Hilary and her family were going to have a great time. And she could hardly wait!
…………………………………………………..The End………………………………………………………………………….
 Well, end of chapter…hope you enjoyed it. Sorry it is so short…i’ll update as soon as possible. Plz tell me any spelling errors, etc. Any ideas? plz comment, i would like your feedback. 😀

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His Arms Are Open chapter 9

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