Heaven’s Light

Heaven’s light in a praying soul’s smile

There are no words that can beguile

The truth of which I speak

The wonder of communion with our Lord

He faced trials to be abhorred

Wounded and scoured for the sakes of His children, you and I

On a cross, He was sent to die

We are dear to His heart in every way

Let us draw near to the blood-stained cross

In the dawning of each new day

Or, as the curtain of twilight falls on every sunset

A paradise more wonderful than Kismet is promised to us

For it will be filled with His undying love

He, who gave the priceless gift from above.

Hi, everyone. I hoped that you enjoyed this poem. Constructive feedback is welcome. Also, I will be posting another Chapter of the Department Store Lion soon. smiley

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Heaven’s Light

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